Bolivia, 23 deaths from the beginning of protests

Sun, 17 Nov 2019 06:55:19 +0100

LA PAZ, NOVEMBER 17 - The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (Cidh) has confirmed that nine people died and 122 were injured last Friday in incidents in Bolivia between protesters and security forces near Cochabamba. Thus the number of people killed rises to 23 and the number of wounded since the beginning of the protests on October 20 last 715.
The same Commission condemned the government of AƱez for issuing a decree which exempts from any criminal responsibility soldiers who take part in the suppression of protests. The norm was approved on the eve of the most violent day since the beginning of the crisis, when at least eight farmers of coca pro-Morales were killed by security forces during a demonstration. "It is not a license to kill for the armed forces," Presidency Minister Jerjes Justiniano told a news conference.