Texas, dem re-launch check on weapons

Sun, 4 Aug 2019 06:24:09 +0200

LAS VEGAS, AUGUST 4 - Democratic candidates in the 2020 presidential election, after the El Paso massacre, expressed their indignation at the rise in mass murders in the country by pointing the finger at the National Rifle Association and its supporters in the Congress . "It is not just because of what happened in el Paso; it has happened so many times," said Senator Bernie Sanders, speaking with 18 other candidates for the White House in Nevada, addressing the largest national union of public employees. "People all over the world look at the United States and wonder what is happening, what is the mental health situation in America, where once again we are witnessing an indescribable horror". Sanders then accused the Senate Republican leadership of being "more concerned about pleasing the NRA than ready to listen to the majority of the American people". He then attributed to President Donald Trump the responsibility to support sensible arms safety legislation.